Disneyland 2014
I have been going thru all the photos both Rikki and I took. There are way more than should be posted but I thought you might like to see them.
If you do Head Over Here.
Mile 9.56
Just so you know that millage, true story. Kamden is awesome.
Rikki, it was like old times at Disneyland.
Here we go
Happy New Year
It's been a great year. Big changes are coming.
Stay tuned.
5 years later....
I can remember Dec 30, 2009 like it happened yesterday. Rikki sat straight up in bed and said "My brother just died". 1 min later the phone rang. Rikki was right, Jeff Kalsbeek had passed. We all miss you Jeff. I hope all is well with you.
If you would like to see the older movie I put together for Jeff In 2009, Please Go Here.
I'd like to thank Jamon for letting me use his wedding photo for this. If anyone needs a photo credit feel free to contact me. I'd love to give you one.